Apply to the small backlight module in accordance with the production process requirements in the fixture tray automatically complete the assembly.
Backlight tray type feeding machine automatic feeding, automatic cleaning, automatic tear film, CCD automatic correction, special backlight reserved artificial feeding belt, to thin backlight, borderless backlight, back adhesive tape backlight, high efficiency universal good.
LCD artificial or connection belt feeding also optional TRAY type feeding machine, automatic cleaning, automatic tear film, automatic CCD correction, high efficiency good versatility;
LCD and backlit vision automatic positioning, good stability and high precision assembly;
Design of universal backlight load, can adapt to different dimensions, on the back of a tape such as backlight;
Tear film, backlight assembly area respectively in addition to electrostatic and electrostatic dust removal effect is good;
After assembling the complex pressure function, can effectively avoid assembling the backlight and the problem of loose fitting glass;
Touch screen operation PLC, formula of machine parameters, formula stored more than 150 groups, adjusting machine, product replacement is convenient.